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Our Additional Services

Progressive Delivery

Clients in need of lengthy, comprehensive, and complicated orders, specifically 10+ single-spaced pages or 20+ double-spaced pages, may benefit from a progressive delivery for only +15% of the order price. This service allows to take advantage of the following things:

  1. Order will be written by one of our top writers and then edited, as well as proofread, by one of the best editors.

  2. A personal manager will be assigned to this order to ensure fast and fruitful communication between clients and their writers.

  3. In case clients want some adjustments to papers, they will be able to profit from an extended revision period. It allows them to ask for improvements for 30 days, whereas it is possible for only 2 days in case of a usual order.

  4. The paper will be sent to clients gradually to enable constant monitoring and provision of feedback. As a result, clients will receive from 1 to 3 drafts/parts* before the deadline expires. It will happen in the following way:

  • If the urgency of an order is 4 days or less, clients will get 1 draft with 25% of the paper being written after 50% of the deadline expires. For instance, having ordered 28 pages to be done within 4 days, client will receive 7 pages in 2 days and then a complete paper in 4 days.

  • If the urgency of an order is 5 to 11 days, clients will get 2 drafts with 25% and 50% of the paper being written after 25% and 50% of the deadline expires respectively.

  • If the urgency of an order is 12 or more days, clients will get 3 drafts with 25%, 50%, and 75% of the paper being written after 25%, 50%, and 75% of the deadline expires respectively.

The plans of progressive delivery are flexible and may be adjusted up to clients’ needs. Preferences and necessary changes should be addressed to a personal manager of the order. They will be considered and implemented.

Short Orders (under 20 Pages)

Clients in need of short papers, i.e., those shorter than 10 single-spaced pages or 20 double-spaced pages, may benefit from the following additional services:

  1. Extended revision. Having chosen this service, clients may ask for adjustments to the paper for 14 days, whereas, as a rule, it is possible for only 2 days.

  2. Summary page. This service allows clients to receive a brief short statement of main points confined to 300 words (1 page). It is necessary for those who need to make a report about a research paper in class.

  3. Draft. This option ensures that clients receive a 1-page draft of the paper (300 or 600 words depending on spacing) once 50% of the initially set deadline expires. For instance, if a paper of 10 double-spaced pages was ordered to be written in 6 days, the client will get a draft of 300 words in 3 days.

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