MBA in Global Management
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MBA in Global Management
In today’s business environment, leaders must be prepared to operate in a highly competitive marketplace that has limited resources. Pursuing an MBA in Global Management not only provides the traditional management skills but also enables one to easily navigate in the dynamic global society, as well as position an organization in a way that gets an edge over its competitors in the marketplace. By pursuing an MBA in Global Management, I will be in a position to acquire hard skills, such as financial, marketing, operational, management, as well as accounting skills, which will enable me to plan, control, evaluate, and implement both financial and human resource initiatives from a global perspective. ‘Soft skills, such as leadership skills, will also be acquired and this will help me better manage the team under my supervision. Thunderbird Development Turnaround Management School is a great brand on MBA in Global Management studies.
An advanced MBA that specializes in Global Management will provide a substantial understanding of economics and international management, more so in International Banking and Finance (Educational Portal.Com, 2012). Knowledge of global markets will also be provided as I pursue the course. Various principles apply to foreign markets as well as the myriad of issues that arise as one is transacting globally. These skills are very important as they enhance effective management not only from a local but also from a global perspective. MBA is a brand that has established itself in the marketplace and thus will provide me with an in-depth understanding of the various functions in the business and how they can be applied in a global context to gain a competitive advantage. This will help me understand various scenarios in a business, for instance where value addition or money losses are possible.
I want to gain specific skills in Global Management. This will help me develop better technical and critical thinking in my area of specialization, as well as the ability to sharpen my strategic and tactical skills to enhance my performance in the various fields of job placement either locally or internationally. I will also be in a position to thrive in any international company and compete in an international business environment. My involvement with international organizations will be a boost in the pursuance of my career. I have vast experience of engagement in international non-governmental organizations such as the American Red Cross. I also have worked with ABC Corporation, Citibank NRI Business, India and Los Angeles, and HSBC Bank, Southern California among other international companies.
This education will help to make a positive impact on those who follow this path. This is because globalization is taking shape and is inevitable for every business undertaking to follow suit. Globalization is taking place and businesses have to change as the market changes to remain relevant, if they do not want to risk being out of the marketplace. The management skills must equally be adjusted to fit those of an international perspective since the businesses are not operating in isolation. To implement the strategies that require a business to compete internationally, one must acquire the tools that will enable the managers and leaders to operate in a more standardized and formal way. I trust that pursuing an MBA at Browning Associates will open me to the wider world and prepare me in excelling in my field as I offer service to mankind. The experience at Browning Associates will also make me an efficient and enviable team leader in all my undertakings both locally and globally.