Gun Control Essay Sample

Gun Control in Texas Essay
Gun control in Texas differs from the same issue in other states in the U.S. Actually the gun laws in Texas are less severe than in any other American state. The debate over gun control in Texas has been in progress for many years. Some people support strict gun control and those who oppose it. Texas is known as the state which uses the death penalty more often than other states. Many experts consider that this happens because gun control in Texas is rather lenient. A close location to the Mexican border makes Texas a state that especially needs guns for defense. Many Texans need the gun to protect themselves from criminals, as well as protecting their life and property. Nowadays, gun control in Texas has been strengthened, but many authorities consider that it needs more legislation to solve this problem not only in Texas but also in other U.S. states.
The Importance of the Issue of Gun Control
Gun control in Texas is one of the most important issues that are of the greatest concern to many Texans. A great number of people worry about numerous accidents, such as murders, robberies, suicides, and assaults, where guns are used. According to researches, every year the United States faces 1, 000 000 accidents (Garrett, 2013). That is why many experts alarm to regulate or even ban the use of guns. The main reason for gun control is to prevent crime in Texas. Public opinion shows that many people consider that to stop crime in Texas, gun control should be strengthened.
Although, there is a large number of people who consider guns the only tool to defend their lives and property. Proponents of gun control claim that handguns should be entirely allowed in Texas. They assert that using guns is a constitutional right of every American citizen. They also consider that the rising level of the crime depends not on gun sale and ownership but the use of weapons by criminals. Opponents of gun control claim that guns should be banned because the only purpose of carrying and using the gun is to kill people.
What our Clients say
Check out our customers' feedbackMany Texans blame gun dealers who sell weapons to children, criminals, and gangsters to raise their incomes. Many interest groups have been created all over the state of Texas and other American states appealing to the public and government to adopt laws to strengthen gun control. The role of these groups in Texas is to influence the government to adopt gun control laws. Some statistics show that gun control laws improve the situation with guns in Texas. On the other hand, opponents of gun control are sure that laws restricting guns do not help to prevent crime in Texas. Moreover, many of them observe that to prevent crime, the government should pay more attention to the living conditions of the criminals. Maxwell (2013) observes that the best way to cut crime is to improve the living standards of criminals.
About Receiving Permits for Carrying Guns in Texas
Many studies show that a vast amount of Texans buy guns for protection and defense. Every citizen has the constitutional right to keep and wear guns, but the Texas legislature is supposed to regulate the wearing of guns. This should be done to minimize and prevent crime in the state. This is a state law that gives a permit for every individual who needs to buy and carry a gun. People who tend to carry guns must be 21 years old or serve in the American military. The procedure of receiving a permit includes special training that a candidate must complete successfully. The research asserts that many criminals or other people who have problems with the law often deny carrying the permits.
For example, citizens who have fines or are delinquent in paying child support often ignore the law. However, many applicants in Texas receive permits for carrying guns in the state Department of Safety. To receive a permit to carry guns in Texas costs $140 for the majority of the population, except senior citizens – they pay only $70. Admittedly, active and retired military officers receive permits for $25. Texas’ carry permits are eligible in most of the U.S. states.
How Self-Defence Law in Texas Differs from Others
Texas has a self-defense law, and it differs from the same matter in other states. Thus, in Texas, a person has the right to use guns not just to protect him or herself but also to protect personal property. Citizens can use deadly force in an attempt to defend their homes or vehicles. They also have the right to use weapons to defend themselves from robbery, murder, and sexual assault. The state does not permit the open carrying of guns. There are public places in Texas where guns cannot be carried.
Where Gans Cannot Be Carried in Texas?
They are as follows:
- educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities);
- airports;
- sporting events;
- courtrooms among others.
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MacLaggan (2013) observes that the federal government must control the presence of armed guards at schools and enforce laws against carrying guns by gang members and drug dealers. The research and different surveys assert that a great number of Americans who carry guns have taken specialized training and know-how to use guns. But there are still many others, such as children, for example, who lack special training and knowledge. However, many Texas authorities acknowledge that it is rather hard to find a proper solution that would satisfy both opponents and proponents of the issue of gun control.
Restriction or Other Regulation of Gun Control
It is a common fact that the sales and promotion of guns are big business in the United States. This is one of the reasons why firearms dealers fight against federal gun control. President Obama has proposed to strengthen gun control and claimed for new laws to keep and bear arms. Many citizens of Texas consider that this is a restriction of the Second Amendment's rights of Americans (Heyes, 2013). The state of Texas continues to fight against governmental intrusions, especially concerning gun control, since President Obama and Washington insist on the new laws limiting the Second Amendment’s right of Americans to keep and bear arms.
Limiting the Second Amendment’s Right of Americans
According to researches, the Texas House has lately approved a bill that requires a stop of regulations and laws relating to guns in Texas. Proper policies may help to find a balance between opponents and proponents of gun control. Thus, gun control should be strengthened in cases when individuals who carry guns do not have permission or registration requirements. Sappenfield (2013) claims that citizens have the right to carry a weapon, and it should not be broken. Many experts consider that the federal government would not achieve success in gun control without the help of Texans. Many people consider that the additional legislation requiring the state to strengthen gun control would fail.
Possible choices and recommendations are needed to find helpful tools and methods of gun control in Texas. Whether to support or deny gun control in Texas, authorities and the public must clarify the main objection of the issue. By identifying what is a more important restriction of guns or new gun culture, the solution may be found in the future (Maxwell, 2013). Thus, it would be rather helpful to educate people who live under the level of poverty, as well as criminals, drug addicts, and others by implementing specialized programs and training. Moreover, psychologists and sociologists have to contribute much to solving this issue. It is possible to reach the results only in the cooperation of the government, authorities, and the public. The public choice, however, may be a dominant one.
The point is that people who are willing to kill others will find any other means to do this. In the era of modern technologies, there may be more opportunities to kill others without guns and rifles. Thus, if an individual wants to imply the violence, he/she would do this regardless of any restrictions and control. Unauthorized sales may influence the higher rate of deaths by killing people. The cases when guns can be bought from thieves or other forbidden private sellers must be taken under government control.
Opponents and Proponents of the Gun Control in Texas Issue
In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that gun control in Texas is an important issue. Many Texas authorities acknowledge that it is rather hard to find a proper solution for gun control in Texas to satisfy both opponents and proponents of the issue. More laws are needed to solve this problem not only in Texas but also in other U.S. states. Without a proper plan on gun control, the American people will continue to die because of uncontrolled criminals and gang members, and other people who have problems with the law.
Thus, the federal and state government should implement different programs that will protect both opponents and proponents of gun control in Texas. These programs should contain not only restrictions but also improvement measures as far as the living standards of people who are in the risk group are concerned. People, especially children, should be educated at schools about gun safety. The gun control problem as any other problem must be solved by proper solutions from authorities, lawmakers, and the public.