Gandhi Film Critique Essay Sample

Film Critique Essay Introduction
In the epic drama Gandhi directed by Richard Attenborough, the spiritual and religious leader is represented as a man of nonviolence, who seeks to achieve justice and equality for all people. His patience, bravery, and perseverance enabled him to expel the British from the subcontinent. Gandhi also fought for India’s independence and own recognition for many years. The motion picture dedicated to his life and struggle teaches people to use non-violent measures to be heard and reach necessary changes. Gandhi’s campaigns were of an unprecedented scale as the spiritual leader successfully coordinated Indians’ acts across the country.
However, force and violence were used against the protesters leading to Gandhi’s imprisonment. Despite these setbacks, the struggle continued due to significant attention and intense public pressure. The current paper seeks to analyze the way the drama Gandhi represents the spiritual leader and eminent spokesperson of the twentieth century struggling against the institutionalized violation of civil rights.
The Main Themes of Movie Gandhi in 1982
Attenborough produced the movie Gandhi in 1982. The life and experience of the Indian political activist are depicted chronologically and realistically, thus enabling the audience to deeply examine campaigns, non-violent protests, and significant events of that time. Gandhi was inspired to act radically for the country’s good. He sought to eradicate racial oppression and ensure equality for all people regardless of their age, gender, and race. The movie highlights Gandhi’s success in South Africa and his return to India as a national hero.
Despite challenges and pressure exerted by the British authority, he attempted to change people’s lives and establish an equal society. In the movie Gandhi, the escalation of violence and murder of peaceful protestors impress the audience. The struggle for recognition and justice can be compared to the fight between such conflicting nations as the Muslims and Hindus. The most intense scene in the picture is the merciless shooting of Indian women and children by the Chinese and East Asian mercenary soldiers.
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One of the main themes raised in the movie is the representation of characters as fanatics. Most of the scenes are intense because the director depicts the reality of people’s lives, everyday experiences, work, and socialization. Attenborough realistically portrays the tumultuous time of Indian history characterized by religious fervor, protests, and devotion to Gandhi. Many citizens considered him a hero and savior. The country was similar to the battlefield. Therefore, people are represented not as individuals leading ordinary lives but constant reactionaries, who live under constant pressure. In his epic drama, Attenborough depicts the British as hopeless, cruel, and oppressive towards the Indians.
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Another theme is the realistic depiction of human dignity, self-determination, and non-violent campaigns. Despite Gandhi’s unimpeachable legacy, he could not resolve the issue of religious intolerance in a non-violent manner. The story has significantly affected me as it teaches through the efforts and actions of Mandela, Gandhi, King, and other civil rights activists to be courageous, strong, and compassionate while facing injustice and prejudice. In most cases, Indians’ lives were dark and anxious (Huggan 661). Gandhi gave ordinary people hope for necessary social changes, a better life, and a brighter future. As for me, the director’s work and the main character’s performance are inspiring illustrations of constant struggle.
Gandhi and Hinduism
Gandhi’s religious beliefs are associated with Hinduism. This religion focuses on exercising conscience, stretching the mind, acknowledging souls, and honoring the great Indian visionary. In ancient times, religion was closely connected to the individual experience. However, from the modern sociological perspective, this aspect is removed from society. Many sociologists regard religion as a social phenomenon. Gandhi, as depicted in the epic drama, liked to compare religions and spiritual ideas. The visionary did not relate religion to the individual experience; he found God within the creation (Goshen-Gottstein 103). In the Indian religion, Gandhi promoted Dharma embracing humanity. He repeatedly referred to God to find the truth.
In addition to the humanization of religion, the visionary also sought to moralize it. Gandhi was interested not only in Hinduism but also in Christianity and Islam, which enabled him to combine various religious faiths. He would never support the religious doctrine that conflicted with moral values. Morality and religion, as well as righteousness and truth, are interconnected. Morality is the core of all great world religions. Owing to this aspect, most of Gandhi’s ideas have acquired a universalistic outlook.
One of the themes that have been omitted is the depiction of survived sectarian faiths, theological schools, and various religious creeds in Ancient India. However, the motion picture depicts individuals belonging to different religions and their attitude to Mahatma Gandhi. They sought to get his blessing and valuable advice on various matters. The visionary devoted his life to the promotion of Muslim and Hindu unity.
Film Critique Essay Summary
I have learned that willingness to recognize the truth, broad-mindedness, sympathy, and tolerance are crucial to understanding the specifics of other faiths. If a person possesses these qualities, he/she can appreciate the culture and lifestyle of other people. The visionaries and prophets of different religions have promoted the consciousness of unity emphasizing the deep sense of fraternity. Gandhi believed that unity and brotherhood could be achieved only through the comparison of different religions. Mahatma Gandhi’s love for Hinduism was based on the adherence to lofty ideals preached by Hindus. Tolerance and liberalism are the core of Hinduism. Gandhi also promoted the spiritual and ethical outlook in his speeches, campaigns, and non-violent demonstrations.