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Al Ahlia Group Research

Al Ahlia Group Internship Report


ALHOSN University is an institution of higher education that gives students from diverse backgrounds an opportunity to prepare for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century with the help of friendly and highly supportive instructors. As part of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, the Faculty of Business requires students to undertake an internship in a recognized organization that must be approved by the institution before the beginning of the internship.

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A part of the requirements is that upon completion of the internship, all students must prepare an internship project report in which they document the responsibilities that they executed, experiences at the host organization, skills learned, challenges, and an assessment of the organization besides giving recommendations for improvement of the general internship program.

Training Date and Supervisors

I undertook my internship program in the company for two years under the supervision of the Al Ahlia Group Assistant HR Manager while my University supervisor was Dr. Sunder Ramachandran.


I conducted extensive research to find the most suitable organization that would match both my major and my area of interest. I had several options to consider but based on my research, I was convinced that Al Ahlia Group was my most preferred organization for the internship. Al Ahlia Group is popularly known to have properly designed quality services that put it among the top organizations in Abu Dhabi. Upon deciding on the organization and getting approval from the faculty, I was required to write to the Human Resource Manager of Al Ahlia Group to seek for an opportunity as an intern in the Human Resource department. I was so excited to get the practical knowledge of the organization’s HR department hence explaining my immeasurable delight when the organization’s HR confirmed my chance.

Responsibilities and Tasks

The internship provided me with an opportunity to perform a wide range of activities from which I gained a lot of experience. Among the activities that I accomplished were recorded preparation and updating, planning leaves for members of staff and keeping records on the same, and organizing and participating in employee training and seminars. My other responsibilities included updating the staff medical insurance data sheet and participation in employee recruitment and performance reviews. Also, I took part in various initiatives that the organization established to facilitate employee maintenance like the implementation of various motivational measures put in place to reduce turnover rates.

Lessons Learned

Through the execution of the duties that were assigned to me, I learned many skills that will come in handy in my professional life after graduating from the university. As opposed to my earlier belief that I had advanced proficiency in all computer applications, the internship experience enabled me to understand that I had various challenges with computation and making specific entries in Microsoft Excel. Most of my duties involved record-keeping hence I spent a lot of time perfecting my skills in the application. The internship also allowed me to advance my interpersonal skills since my job involved constant interaction with employees. I improved my communication and presentation skills through the training forums and various meetings in which I was actively involved.

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Arrangement of Report

This final internship report includes various sections. First, it presents background information regarding Al Ahlia Group which was my host organization. Second, the report highlights my specific training experience before giving an extensive assessment of the internship followed by recommendations for improvement. The conclusion section also highlights the internship experience and suggests some ways by which future students can be better prepared for the actual work environment.


Preparation of the final internship report is a part of the learning objectives of the internship that I intended to add value to the exposure and experience that students acquire while working in the host organization. The internship program is planned by the Department of Business Administration in a manner that justifies its expectation that in the course of undertaking the internship experience, students should display competence in reporting on their experience in the real work environment after getting an opportunity to accomplish different functions in various organizations to which they are attached. Among the University’s specific objectives that governed me throughout the internship were to get exposed to the reality of working life in my organization, to be able to familiarize myself with diverse functions of the organization, and to understand how the functions are integrated to facilitate the production of goods and provision of services to customers. Besides, I always strived to get physical, mental, and emotional preparedness to be able to face the rigors of work in the real work environment upon graduation. Throughout my internship, I always sort to apply the business IT skills that I already acquired in the course of my studies for the benefit of my sponsoring organization, Al Ahlia Group. The current final report writing stage has enabled me to meet the objective of practicing and perfecting report preparation skills which is also a part of the University’s objective for having the internship program.

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Company’s Setup

Al Ahlia Group was established in Abu Dhabi in 1979 by some of the most influential nationals of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (Al Ahlia Group, n.d.). At the top of the company’s management is the chairman of the board under whom there is the group’s general manager and various heads of divisions. Al Ahlia Group functions as a unit but with divisions into various units that deal in specific products. Despite the sub-division into many units, the group is under one management.

Ownership and Shareholders

The group was founded by partners who had a vision of bringing technology and professionalism to business in the UAE. The founders also sort to establish a business enterprise that would incorporate innovation into its practices to offer unrivaled services to customers. Among the group’s shareholders are H.H. Sheikh Tahnoun bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, H.H. Sheikh Saif bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Sultan Bin Suroor Al Dhaheri, and H.E. Ali bin Khalfan Al Dhaheri among others (Al Ahlia Group, n.d.).

Administration System

The company has a hierarchical administrative system. At the top of the administrative system is the Chairman. Below the chairman is the Group General Manager under whom there is the Group Development Manager and the Oilfields Co. General Manager. Other administrative units are the respective unit heads and the heads of departments.

Products and Customers

Al Ahlia Group is divided into several diversified companies. The companies include Gulf Line General Trading Company, Oilfields Development Company, the office automation division, and the Al Ahlia Stores (Al Ahlia Group, n.d.). Other partners are the foodstuff division, Sketchley Laundry, and the LA Brioche Bakery and Coffee Shop. From the names of the companies, it is evident that Al Ahlia Group deals in a wide range of products and services ranging from the provision of office automation services, laundry services, and bakery products among others. The company has products and services for the general public who yawn for bakery delicacies and a wide range of products in the coffee shop. Those seeking convenient insurance cover are also catered for by the Group’s insurance division.

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Main Competitors

Among the top competitors are AFIA Insurance Brokerage Services, Alliance Insurance, and Al Buhaira National Insurance Company among others. In the food industry, the Group faces stiff competition from Al Rashed Food Company and Admirals Trading among others. Despite facing stiff competition in all its divisions, Al Ahlia Group has managed to remain among the top companies in the UAE. The Group has realized a level of growth that is paralleled to that of the country and it continues to show optimism. All staff members work in a manner that displays their dedication to achieving the shareholders’ aspirations with a focus on meeting the group’s vision.

The Group’s Progress

Al Ahlia Group has realized several milestones to reach its current state. It has overcome many odds to diversify its services while also maintaining its image as a professionally managed company. Al Ahlia Group has secured a large business house with prestigious facilities besides having a turnover of over $200 million (Al Ahlia Group, n.d.). Apart from a robust financial capacity, the company has also expanded in regards to the number of its workforce. Currently, Al Ahlia Group has at least 1,000 employees, and its asset-based investment is over $100 million.

As a result of the stupendous efforts that Al Ahlia Group displayed, Coca-Cola chose to enter the Middle East market in 1986 after about 30 years since it commenced operations (Al Ahlia Group, n.d.). Currently, Al Ahlia Group partners with Coca-Cola and it has managed to greatly expand its market share in the CSD industry. In partnership with Coca-Cola, Al Ahlia Group is currently operating from a plant in Al Ain that is highly automated with its investments totaling tens of millions of dollars.

In a similar manner as the partnership with Coca-Cola, Al Ahlia Group has got into many other joint ventures and business partnerships with various top multi-national corporations. Among the corporations are Halliburton, Procor Sulphur, and Rolls Wood Group. Other businesses that have also welcomed the partnership with the company are the Sharp Corporation and Vet Gray. Apart from its ability to get into a successful partnership with prestigious corporations, the company is also popular for its role as the pioneer of the idea of modern cafes and supermarkets in the UAE. The company played a pivotal role in the establishment of modern cafes and supermarkets in the UAE as early as the early ‘80s.

The chairman of the company’s board has displayed wise leadership that has facilitated the attainment of its current level of success. The Chairman of the Board is a full-time executive of the company, and he always works tirelessly to enable the company to scale the heights of excellence. Al Ahlia Group has a great advantage to have such supportive shareholders who always provide direction and encourage the company besides working relentlessly. Coupled with the efforts made by the company’s professional managers who always work coherently towards exceeding the set objectives, the shareholders play a great role in facilitating Al Ahlia Group’s expansion.

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The achievements that Al Ahlia Group realized in the past justify the fact that the company is poised for continued excellence. Despite operating in a dynamic business environment that is characterized by stiff competition and diverse customer needs, the company has a long-term business strategy that targets steady growth and expansion. One is almost safe to conclude that the company will be top of its sector due to the constant improvement in its profits and available liquidity a part of the fact that it has a workforce that focuses on meeting its goals.

Departmental Chart

As part of the overall organization’s chart, the departmental structure for the human resource department is illustrated below. From the departmental structure, it is evident that the HR department has a total of nine direct employees who are permanent members of the Group’s workforce. All members of the department work in close liaison with each other to meet a common goal.


During my two years of internship in the company, I got an opportunity to work in the HR department under the supervision of the Assistant HR manager. I was pleased to experience and be a part of the company’s corporate culture and give some fresh ideas that I felt would help the company scale its heights of excellence. Today, I am happy to have pursued Business administration as the specialization which enabled me to undertake an internship program in such a popular and successful company. Besides, I was fortunate to have secured a chance in a department composed of very supportive members, enabling me to learn essential aspects of HR.

The HR department has its functions classified into two broad categories namely “What We Believe” and “What We Do”. Based on the first category, the department bases its operations on the belief in the need to provide professional hospitality services for profit generation. The group’s HR department has a philosophy of providing employee recruitment and retention programs that are capable of producing optimum employee satisfaction and satisfactory performance. In the department, I understood that employees should be treated as the most valuable asset to the company. We always strived to give managers and all employees the necessary tools for them to develop and become successful in their respective roles.

In the second category, “What We Do,” the HR department is always involved in the formation of partnerships with all managers and the company’s supervisors to ensure that all the parties are served according to the interest of the company. As a department, we had a role to coach all employees interactively without creating a “The doctor is in” syndrome that often minimizes employees’ achievement in training programs. We were always interested in establishing the source of issues without relaxing in our counseling role. As a department, we were also involved in the development of strategies that are aligned to the company’s objectives through a focus on all aspects of the workforce. We always strived to improve the practices of our department by the maintenance of a pulse of the company’s culture while always remaining cognizant of the changes in the industry in which the company operates.

As part of the general principles that guided us as members of a department, I was assigned specific functions in which I had to display satisfactory performance and meet the set goals. In some cases, I worked under extreme pressure to meet short deadlines. Even though some tasks appeared difficult, I remained focused and took advantage of the hospitality of my colleagues in the department through regular consultations.


Working in the HR department, most of my functions involved dealing with people within the organization. I worked in a department that was responsible for recruiting employees, designating them for their respective positions, training them, and making follow up to confirm their performance in their positions. I was responsible for the preparation and maintenance of records, planning employees’ leaves, and keeping records of every employee taken and remaining leave days. I was also actively involved in organizing and facilitating employee training besides updating the staff medical insurance data sheet. I also took part in employee recruitment and maintenance.

3.1.1 Daily Work

Although I did not have a definite daily routine, the table below highlights what my typical day at work looked like.





7.50am – 8.00am

Reporting and logging in

HR Department

Assistant HR Manager

8.00am – 8.30am

Reading, responding to, and forwarding new emails to relevant departments

HR Department

Assistant HR Manager

8.30 am – 9.30 am

Follow up on the previous day’s unresolved escalations

Relevant Department

Various Departmental Heads

9.30 am – 10.30 am

Feedback to my Supervisor on Escalations

HR Department

Assistant HR manager

10.30am – 1.00am

Short tea break

HR Department


11.00am – 1.00pm

Completion of the day’s workload i.e. data entry/ internal communications/trainings/recruitment etc.

HR Department

Assistant HR manager

1.00pm – 2.00pm

Lunch Break

HR Department


2.00pm – 3.00pm

Completion of the day’s workload

HR Department

Assistant HR Manager

3.00pm- 4.00pm

Reading and responding to new emails

HR Department

Assistant HR Manager

4.00 pm Onwards

Free to leave. End of a typical day at work



Table 1.0 Daily Routine

Description of Tasks

  • Recording and Updating Employee Records

The company used the System for Time and Recording (STAR) to retrieve and record employee records. My second week at the company was very busy as I was taken through the functionality of the system to understand how to use it in retrieving various employee records. After a whole week of extensive training, I started using the system with the help of my host supervisor, the assistant HR manager. My supervisor was very supportive. In some instances, I made wrong entries into the system. Upon realizing the errors that I made, the supervisor would call me to her office and take me through the entire process of updating employees’ data and explain to me how to retrieve specific data from the system.

  • Participation in Train-the-Trainer (TTT) Program

In the company, the TTT is a kind of training that is particularly offered to selected heads of all the departments at given times. I was incorporated in the four-day workshops that are established to ensure that the participants are trained on various methods that they can use in training members of their respective departments. I mainly took part in the training as a representative of our department, and I was responsible for sending out internal memos to the participants and following up to ensure that they attend the training. The trainees were each required to prepare individual training modules and to practice by training co-trainees hence sharing their training ratings. After the first day, the second and third days were meant for individual practice training. The last day was used to recap all the lessons learned and to answer concerns from the trainees with regards to their anticipated or passed challenges in the training process. After accomplishing the TTT program, all trainees were assigned to provide at least three training within a month to provide a measure of excellence for the TTT program.

  • Updating Employee’s Medical Insurance Data Sheet

All the permanent employees in the company have a medical insurance cover with each entitled to a yearly medical cover of between$1,000 and up to $5,000 depending on their positions in the company. I was responsible for ensuring the employees benefit from the health insurance cover. Employee medical insurance claims could be in terms of reimbursement of the cost incurred by employees or their family members when they undergo some checkup or the costs incurred for both outpatient and inpatient health care. The company had a claim document that I had to provide to the demanding employees and guide them on how to fill it and submit it to the HR department for action to be taken. Apart from seeking health care from private hospitals, employees could visit an in-house doctor for minor health issues that the doctor could handle. The in-house doctor was also responsible for the verification of all health insurance documents to confirm their validity before signing them before I would submit them for reimbursement.

Due to the sensitivity of the information, I ensured that I kept all employees’ information private and updated the requests on the data sheet immediately after I received them. Since there were so many employees in the company (over 1,000), I would be assisted to update the datasheet by the HR assistant who was always supportive and willing to give an extra hour to the company to ensure that we accomplished all our duties within schedule. The data to be included in the datasheet included employees’ names, their dates of birth, marital status, the spouses’ names and dates of birth, number and names of children, the children’s dates of birth, the employees’ address, and private contact numbers.

  • Assisting in the Staffing Role

Many activities in the HR department involved placing advertisements for job opportunities in the company, receiving job applications from interested candidates, scrutinizing the application documents, shortlisting candidates for job interviews, and interviewing and hiring qualified applicants. Our HR manager was keen to ensure that the company hires qualified and highly motivated applicants for various job openings. As such, the recruitment and staffing processes were extensive such that all steps had to be followed keenly under the supervision of the manager.

The primary step in the staffing process is recruitment. I was brought on board to assist in the stage by assisting the HR manager to identify capable employees for various job openings. In some cases, we would try finding potential employees on the Internet. We would also post job openings on such platforms as LinkedIn to attract the attention of aggressive job seekers. We always ensured that we adhered to all recruitment policies to give an equal opportunity to all interested applicants. The second step that we followed in staffing is strategic HR planning. Our company, through our department, made strategic plans.

The top management consulted departmental heads as they set goals and objectives that influenced various structural changes in the company. The third in the staffing process is selection. We put measures in place to attract qualified applicants while discouraging unqualified applicants from applying for the job openings. We worked as a team with the help of the department in which a vacancy existed to fairly thin out large lists of applicants during the recruitment phase. In the end, we would settle on the required number of successful applicants who would be hired, trained, and assigned to the relevant position.

  • Employee Motivation Role

My employee motivation role was intended at inspiring employees so that they are ready to produce the best results for the company. I was responsible for organizing motivational talks in which various motivational speakers would be invited to inspire employees so that they would see the need to put extra effort into achieving organizational goals. Our department regarded employee motivation as an important requirement for employee retention and reducing turnover rates. By ensuring that our members are properly motivated, we managed to minimize cases of absenteeism. Apart from the provision of motivational talks, our department also got recommendations from various departments on top-performing employees who would be motivated through salary review, promotions, and issuance of various non-financial rewards. Based on the knowledge acquired in my course readings, I was able to suggest different innovative employee reward systems that helped the company motivate members of the workforce hence reducing turnover rates. I was always encouraged when the HR manager took in my ideas and implemented the while also correcting me on some ideas that were not logistically implementable.

Problems Encountered

The first problem that I encountered is that the System for Time and Recording (STAR) is very complex, and it contains a lot of data on employee attendance, annual leaves, casual leaves, complementary leaves, and sick leaves among others. The records are updated on the system daily to avoid a situation where some of the information would go without being captured.

I experience problems in mobilizing heads of departments to attend the TTT. It was my responsibility to coordinate all facilities that were required for the training exercise like organizing the seminar room and providing writing materials to the trainer and trainees but in some cases, some of the facilities were in use for other programs and I had to find solutions.

Based on the company policy regarding health insurance, I was required to collect and compile the documents and send them weekly to the finance department for payment. This requirement often posed a challenge to me since some employees did not understand the policy, and they wanted their reimbursement immediately upon making a claim. I was the custodian of the Medical Insurance Data Sheet, which is the record of all information that the Finance Department needed to re-check the document before paying the claims. The Data Sheet had a lot of information that I had to update daily hence posing a challenge.

Ways to Overcome Problems and Improve Tasks

In most cases, the challenges that I encountered called for consultation with senior members of the department to find a solution. With regards to the use of the System for Time and Recording, I was given continuous training until I fully understood how the system operates. From that point onwards, I enjoyed using the system to perform the necessary functions. To overcome the challenge regarding venues for various meetings or training. I adopted a system of ensuring that venues are allocated to departments by the HR department with details kept in the department to avoid any clash in the programs. I was also guided on the required time frames within which to make requests for training resources so that the management had enough time to plan and avail them. Teamwork was a viable solution to most of the problems relating to the inability to meet strict deadlines. With the help of my colleagues, I managed to accomplish my tasks within schedule.

Lessons Learned

My involvement in executing the data entries and updates daily opened my eyes to the fact that employees in the HR department have a lot of activities that keep them behind their desks. Before joining the company, I always believed that HR is a less involving job hence I expected to graduate into a lazy profession with very few roles. My experience in performing various data entry and update roles changed my perception of the HR profession to acknowledge the essence of all employees in the department.

Although I was principally responsible for organizing and providing all the necessary resources for the training and providing general assistance to the trainer, I was glad to have had an opportunity to attend the training and take the personal initiative of preparing my training module and training the same to co-trainees. To my amusement, the trainer rated me among the trainee with the best ratings. This was an experience that came as a surprise to me and other co-trainees and helped to break a stereotypical perception that interns who are generally looked at as mere learners have nothing to offer. I felt motivated by the fact that the trainer openly appreciated and recognized my efforts in the TTT program. The program also allowed me to practice and perfect my event organization and facilitating skills.

Updating employees' Medical Insurance Data Sheet allowed me to learn data management and to practice prioritization of my workload. It also gave me a chance to learn how to handle irate employees as some cases called for patience and provision of hope to disappointed employees when it took unusually long for them to get their reimbursement.

The staffing role enabled me to understand the nature of competition for the available job opportunities and made me understand the essence of aggressiveness as a future job seeker. I also got to understand what companies look for in job applicants such that I will always tender my job applications by the job specification.

My role as part of the employee motivation team helped me expand my knowledge on a wide range of employee motivation initiatives that I can apply in my future work to help my company reduce turnover rates. Having a practical experience of the impacts of employee motivation enabled me to understand the importance of valuing employees and rewarding them for their job input and achievements. I also learned that staff motivation is the pillar of an open, flexible and caring management culture which all result-oriented organizations seek to achieve through effective human resource management. My experience with employee motivation will inspire me to practice open HR by listening to employees while also empowering them and accepting constructive criticism from them. I also learn the essence of flexibility whereby organizations should be ready to change traditional ways in which they do things to adopt innovative ways to conform to changes in the business environment. For example, using innovative employee reward systems is one of the latest changes that the HR department at Al Ahlia Group adopted in its move toward reducing employee turnover rates. We also ensured employee retention by taking into account their health concerns and the safety of their work environment. Regular communication with employees was also a vital undertaking that enabled our department to create and maintain a good working relationship with employees.


My assessment of the internship

is based on the skills that I learned concerning the internship objectives, my performance at the company as a measure of preparedness for the actual work environment, the opportunities that I was given at the company, and the suitability of the company as a preferred internship organization for future students. In this section, I will also give specific recommendations for several improvements that I believe would help improve students’ achievement while on internship.

As reported in earlier sections (introduction), the internship had specific objectives that the departments of Business Administration intended all students to meet. Based on my assessment, I am convinced that I met virtually all the objectives for the program as I assess the gains that I made throughout the two year

I found the internship to be truly rewarding for it enabled me to encounter real life in executing HR activities in a popular company. I did not stay in the company as a passive observer, but I was allowed to practically perform the activities that were assigned to me just as if I was a permanent employee of the company. As such, the program effectively exposed me to the reality of working life in organizations whereby I also encountered several challenges and devised methods of overcoming them. The challenges that I encountered made me acknowledge the need for regular consultations and teamwork in the real-world work environment. That experience will be of great value to me in my future career as an HR officer.

Apart from executing the assigned duties, I was also proactive in that I always applied the skills that I learned throughout the course like the business IT skills and other skills to suggest workable ideas to the company. My IT skills enabled me to complete various data entries despite the initial challenges that I encountered. I also gave beneficial recommendations to the company on innovative employee motivation strategies that helped reduce the rate of employee turnover while increasing productivity. I was happy to note that the company welcomed my theoretical knowledge, implemented them, and benefited from them. To that effect, I believe that the internship program helped me to develop my career.

During my stay in the company as an intern, I interacted with employees from different departments. My role in updating employee Health Insurance Data Sheet made me have constant interactions with the Finance department. All my other functions were interactive hence enabling me to familiarize myself with the operations of the organization while appreciating how various functions within the organization are integrated to facilitate the production and issuance of services to customers. I had a practical experience of how coordination between different departments within a company can facilitate the realization of the company’s goals and objectives.

I am glad to have had an opportunity to practice my communication and interpersonal skills through my daily interactions with employees of all ranks in the company. My decision to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration was influenced by my desire for an interactive career where I would meet people with different cultural backgrounds. Particularly, my choice of HR as an area of specialization was influenced by my thirst to solve people’s problems and to contribute to my organization’s success through the maintenance of a motivated workforce. I can confidently confirm that my work at Al Ahlia Group gave me the most desired opportunity to interact with employees and perfect my communication skills. I learned about diversity between people and how to tender specific communication skills to particular situations. Besides, I perfected my intercultural communication skills since my duties involved interacting with employees from different cultural backgrounds. I was also actively involved in training programs and departmental meetings which sharpened my communication and interpersonal skills.

The internship also enhanced my physical, mental and emotional preparedness for the rigors of work in real-life organizations upon graduation. Physically, I got the experience of waking up early full of strength to tackle new challenges of the day at the workplace. Mentally, the program exposed me to real life in organizations as an HR officer hence I undertook roles that developed my mental preparedness for the roles that await me upon graduation. Through my daily interactions with employees with different emotions, I developed emotional intelligence that made it easy for me to satisfactorily handle irate employees while maintaining my temperament and never showing any emotional weakness. I faced several challenges when I had to handle issues beyond my direct control but the challenges only made me stronger.

Apart from experiencing the real world of work, I can now confirm that the internship has also enabled me to practice and perfect my reporting skills as I prepare this final internship report. Getting to this stage called for research on particular information regarding my host company. As such, I improved my research skills. Additionally, this report writing stage has allowed me to reflect on my roles and the lessons that I learned while executing the roles. I also believe that by writing this report, I am applying my writing and communication skills. I am sure that the report writing skills that I am currently displaying will be pivotal in my future career life upon graduation.

Suitability of Al Ahlia Group for an Internship Program

My assessment of the host company’s suitability for the internship is based on a broad look into the relevance of the activities that were assigned to me, the opportunity that I was given to personally execute my duties, and the support I got from the company.

I feel satisfied with the choice that I made for a hosting company for my internship program. I am convinced that the company gave me an opportunity to practice the roles assigned to me as a qualified employee hence I got the practical experience of working as a HR officer. Although I faced some challenges particularly at the beginning of the program, my supervisor was patient and he supported me to grow and familiarize myself with the company functions hence developing into a dependable employee in the company. Besides, the company has supportive members of staff that are always ready to assist whenever one has any challenges. My colleagues were always ready to give me insights into new encounters and to help me meet my deadlines whenever they seemed too short and demanding. As such, I would recommend Al Ahlia Group as a preferred host company for future students as they seek to get the internship experience.

In respect to the relevance of the tasks that were assigned to me to my academic knowledge and personality, I express conviction that the roles that were assigned to me were relevant to my study and that they were important for my personal growth. I had an opportunity to practice the real roles of a HR department in a similar manner as the company’s employees. A role like data entry and management of employees’ health insurance datasheet was helpful to me since it is relevant to my future career. The organization did not discriminate against me based on the fact that I was simply an intern. I was given an opportunity to participate in recruitment of employees hence getting a feel of what recruitment and staffing entails. Recruitment and staffing is a vital function of the HR department that I expect to actively execute upon graduation. The training opportunities that I had also helped me expand my knowledge on various concepts while also improving my communication and interpersonal skills. As such, they helped me grow professionally and personally in readiness for my future career.

From my personal perspective, I would recommend Al Ahlia Group to any students who may wish to undertake an internship in an organization that acknowledges their input, supports them and that gives them an opportunity to learn and be fully equipped to face real-world challenges in the work environment.

Weaknesses and Recommendations

First, I have a few recommendations on the necessary improvements that Al Ahlia Group should consider as a means towards advancing its operations and expanding its market share.

  • Al Ahlia Group should put measures in place to improve the productivity of the workforce through the adoption of proper Alliance Capital guidelines.
  • The organization should also invest more in employee training as a means towards improved productivity and enhancing employee retention.
  • The institution should also consider taking in more interns to enable them learn and be fully equipped to face the work place environment.

The second set of recommendations are based on my general experience during the internship and they are specifically intended to help ALHOSN University to better prepare and execute the internship program.

  • The University should put measures in place to ensure that students have sufficient financial allocation for the internship that can hinge their financial needs throughout the duration.
  • The University should put more emphasis on the practical aspects of the course so that students are better prepared for the workplace experience.
  • Assessment reports should be made available to student early enough so that they understand their areas of weakness and improve on them while still continuing with the internship program.
  • The University should consider having a follow-up assessment to determine whether the recommendations for improvement given after the first assessment are implemented.


It was worthwhile undertaking the internship program more so at Al Ahlia Group. The company has friendly and hospitable staff who made my training very effective and valuable. The company has also established a supportive culture where trainees are given ample time to learn and understand their areas of weaknesses hence facilitating growth. The internship enabled me to add more confidence in my professional approach while also building stronger positive attitude towards work and the challenges associated with it. I also learned to appreciate the value of teamwork since the company allowed me to work with friendly team members. The nature of my work necessitated teamwork as there were several activities that I could hardly execute on my own. Through teamwork, I managed to accomplish all duties assigned within the set timelines. The training was also pivotal in helping me get real working experience and apply the theoretical knowledge that I obtained in class. Through the unprecedented support that employees at Al Ahlia Group accorded me, I had a truly rewarding experience. Working in the HR department enabled me to understand my competencies and understanding of HR functions.

I learned that organizations should always strive to maintain committed and trustworthy employees and treat them as the most valuable asset. While in the HR department, I was made to understand that one of the main challenges that organizations face is of reducing the employee turnover rate. No wonder most companies face a lot of challenges in their efforts to develop energized and motivated workforce.

The training also enabled me to appreciate the need for various career development programs like employee training. I got an opportunity to observe the positive changes in employee productivity after they are trained in their roles and given more time to implement the skills learned. I was glad to have been trusted with the employee data management role through which I learned how to manage employee health insurance data sheets and leave. Generally, my internship was of significant value, and, therefore, it has made me more confident to face real work environment challenges.

Based on my experience from the training program, I would recommend that the University continues regarding internship as a compulsory requirement for the award of a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. To make the program more beneficial, it would be necessary for the University to increase the number of assessments done during the internship so that University instructors may get more time to monitor students’ performance in the host organization. To make students more prepared for the work environment, the University should make students take more units on their respective areas of specialization while reducing the general courses. Such an initiative can help students get a deeper understanding of what the areas of specialty entail ahead of the internship program. Despite the few challenges that I experienced, I appreciate the role that my instructors played in preparing me for the program and to face the real work environment upon graduation. The training was a great milestone for my academic and professional growth.

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