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How to Write Research Paper

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How to Write Research Paper

As a student, you will be tasked with research paper preparation very often. Given the fact that research papers are so important, it is no wonder that many students dread this task. Research paper writing indeed eats up much of the student's free time, which they already lack.



So how to write a good research paper under such stressful circumstances? The first thing a student has to realize is that postponing a difficult assignment only leads to a waste of time. The professors are unlikely to cancel the homework, so an early start is a guarantee of a good result. Another thing that a student needs is a good step-by-step guide explaining how to write a research paper. Luckily, you have come across a marvelous list of research paper writing tips, so just consider them. Let us start figuring out how to write a good research paper.

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What is Research Paper

This is a type of assignment that requires in-depth research of a given topic. Students are usually provided with a topic for a research paper and they have to investigate it in detail. This allows learners to expand their existing knowledge as well as train their analytical skills. Apart from that, a research paper must contain a research question or a hypothesis that has to be supported or rejected. As you can see, the task is multifaceted and calls for numerous skills.

Research Paper Topics

Sometimes teachers let their students choose a topic on their own. Although it looks like a great option, the choice is not going to be easy. To make a good choice, students have to consider numerous factors, such as the originality of the topic, availability of literature, ability to test the hypothesis, etc. Besides, it is also very important to select a topic you are interested in. Otherwise, you will spend hours reading articles on something you do not like or worse ‒ do not understand. Nowadays, you can buy a research paper online, which is a reasonable option if you are not into writing and do not have much time at your disposal to master the skill. If this will be your choice, try to find a reliable company.

Research Stage

Ordering a paper from a research paper writing service saves you time because you do not have to conduct a lengthy pre-writing procedure. Regardless of the research paper format, you still have to find a lot of scholarly sources on your topic. Be careful when selecting sources for your paper because unreliable and inaccurate information will distort the results.

Here are a few good resources you can use to find the necessary literature:

  • Google Scholar, a free search option most learners adore.
  • Online encyclopedias. However, it is better to ask for your instructor’s approval since not all of them allow their students to use encyclopedias, even Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • Go to the library.
  • Read newspapers and magazines.

Mandatory Components

Research papers differ by topics, length, and organization but there are few mandatory components in any research paper. They include a research paper title page, a thesis statement, introduction, conclusion, and a bibliography. How to write a good research paper? Just make sure it has all the necessary components.

Create a Strong Thesis Statement

In general, a thesis statement addresses the question your research paper aims to answer. Think about the research question and the hypothesis and link your thesis statement to them. The importance of a good thesis statement cannot be overestimated because the whole paper will revolve around this sentence. Therefore, invest some time and effort to write a thesis statement that is clear and properly organized.

An Outline and a Draft

Many college students look for shortcuts in writing, so they choose not to ‘waste’ their time on such things as outlines and drafts. Nevertheless, an experienced student knows that insufficient time dedicated to pre-writing procedures results in delays and poor quality of the final paper. Therefore, start working on an outline. Only after that, you can write an introduction. However, if you are stuck, do not panic! You can return to the introduction after the paper is already written. Any academic assignment will be easier if you take it slow and do not let anxiety overwhelm you. Writing an informative and at the same time gripping introduction is not easy, so you can get back to this part after you feel more confident. Alternatively, you can order an introduction from a custom paper writing service. In this case, your intro will be written by a professional who knows how to make it excellent.

Write an Introduction

Depending on the formatting style, you choose (MLA, APA, Harvard, etc.), the paper might or might not have an abstract. The first paragraph after it will be an introduction. Although the bulk of the research is described in the body of the paper, the introduction also performs several important functions such as grabbing the reader’s attention, putting the reader into context, and providing a roadmap of the paper. Some of these things will also be mentioned in the abstract if there is one.

Research Paper Body

In the body of your paper, you need to support a thesis statement. Here, be sure to provide ample evidence to establish credibility and show the reader that your judgment can be trusted. The writing style should be formal. Rely on facts rather than on opinions. Depending on the length of your research paper, the body can be divided into such sections:

  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion

Creating a Conclusion

A good conclusion shows a consistency of the results, which is defined by their correlation with the purpose of the research as stated in the introduction. Briefly summarizing the results is the easiest way to create a conclusion, however, it is recommended that you wrap up the thoughts by discussing the implications of the research, relating the results to a more global picture, highlighting the limitations and possibilities for future research, etc.

Editing and Proofreading

Never submit papers that have not been proofread, edited, and revised. First, proofread the text. Second, edit the paper – after the paper is written, you will notice some flaws that can be fixed by adding or removing some parts (but be careful not to ruin the overall structure). You can also ask someone to read the paper for you, especially if the assignment is a milestone and will significantly influence your grade.

Come Up with a More Detailed Research

This will show that you have gained an understanding of the topic. In addition, the ability to find drawbacks and limitations is a sign of strong analytical skills.

Finalize the Paper

Now that the draft has been polished, you can create the text that you will submit to the instructor. At this stage, you have to format it according to the guidelines of the chosen formatting style: font, margins, in-text citations, etc.

Proofread It One More Time

Yes, you have to proofread the paper again. If you have enough time, it is better to take a break and read the paper with fresh eyes. Make sure there are no mistakes and you have followed all the requirements.

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