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How to Write an Environmental Pollution Essay

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How to Write Environmental Pollutions Essay

The main aim of an environmental pollution essay is to provide a narration that is based
on daily-life experiences about the environment and our surroundings. As a rule, an essay on
environmental pollution starts with background information on the topic and personal reflections.
In particular, in the pollution essay introduction, it is important to indicate the importance and the
topicality of the chosen problem.



A reader should clearly understand the reason why you have
chosen to discuss a specific issue. Regarding the pollution essay's main body, it should be coherently
developed to make sure that all topic aspects are properly addressed. Besides, it is crucial to provide
sufficient supporting evidence, such as statistics, key research findings, and other numerical data.
All the illustrative examples and evidence provided in pollution essays should bring more alertness
to the existing environmental problems. Besides, when writing an essay on environmental
pollution, it is important to make the reader interested in solving the existing problem and become
a part of the mitigation strategy.

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Understand the Topic

Before starting the very process of writing, you need to make sure what type of paper you are
required to write. You may say, “Everything is clear! I need to write a pollution essay.” Well,
yes, but what about the structure and organization? To ensure that you meet all paper
requirements, you need to carefully read the paper guidelines provided to you by the professor.
The next thing you need to decide on is what layout you’d prefer. Decide on whether you will write
a comparison & contrast paper, a problem-solution paper, or an argumentative essay. Each type of
these essay is different from others, so make sure you choose the one that can help you discuss the
topic in the best way.

For example, an argumentative paper about a specific environmental pollution impact will put
forward a claim regarding the deteriorating impact of pollution on society. On the other hand, a
problem-solution essay on an environmental pollution problem might analyze the existing
problems and suggest potential solutions to tackle them. Moreover, a comparison & contrast essay
focusing on a specific environmental pollution problem might compare and contrast different
approaches towards solving it.

Essay writing environmental pollution aspects should be analyzed in a different way depending
on the type of essay. In particular, the thesis statement, as well as the way of paragraph organization,
will be different. Thus, it is crucial to thoroughly read paper guidelines.

Narrow Down Your Focus

As a rule, essays about pollution have broad topics. As such, to write an effective piece of
academic writing, it is necessary to narrow the focus down by concentrating on the most significant
part of the problem.

The following are the questions that will help you narrow the focus of the essay topics on
environmental pollution:

1) Who is the pollutant?

Here you need to identify who pollutes the most: focus either on the society in general or some
specific industry, business, or factory in particular.

2) What is polluted?

Claiming that the planet as a whole or surroundings, in general, are polluted is not the best option.
Try to be more specific: choose a certain area and focus on the river pollution, forest pollution, soil
pollution, or specific ecosystem pollution.

3) Who/ what is affected as a result of pollution?

People in general? A specific population? Wildlife? Marine animals?

4) In what way are the aforementioned groups affected?

All in all, when narrowing down the focus of the environmental essay topics, emphasize on the
the local situation rather than discussing some global problem.

Develop Thesis Statement

As soon as you have identified a concrete aspect of the environmental essay topics, it is time to
formulate a strong and clear thesis statement. The thesis statement plays the role of your essay
navigator. From the idea you have conveyed in the thesis, it should be clear to the reader what your
paper is all about. For example, if you have a how-to reduce pollution essay, then you need to
specifically state “how” in the thesis statement.

Research Credible Sources

Every research paper or academic essay should be based on credible and trustworthy sources that
provide supporting evidence to the main paper's arguments. Even if you have a solid knowledge of the
given topic, to make it more convincing, you need to provide supporting evidence, especially if you
need to provide a solution to the environmental pollution essay. In such papers, you need to be
convincing why the solutions you present should be accepted by others. Therefore, make sure you
use only scholarly peer-reviewed articles and primary sources. Be careful with Wikipedia and other
web pages – you may use them to get the general idea of the topic, but never cite them and do not
use them as supporting evidence in your academic essay.

Pollution Essay Introduction

The introductory paragraph provides a concise background description of the problem to
make it clear to the writer what will be discussed in general. In case some

terms might confuse the reader, the writer should define them in simple words (i.e.
provide an explanation or interpretation). Further, the introduction should end with a
thesis statement, which is an inseparable constituent of a properly written essay.
An example of the introduction:

Humans Are the Main Polluters

Whenever one talks about the environment, he/ she denotes everything that surrounds a human
being: air, land, water, flora, fauna, natural resources, and non-living things. To ensure peaceful
and harmonic coexistence on the planet, man needs to ensure that all of these constituents of the
environment are not wasted but preserved for future generations. There are infinite resources,
and therefore it is vital to preserve nature. Nonetheless, the current imbalance that persists on the
planet is the result of the deteriorating activities of humans. One of the outcomes is environmental
pollution that has become hazardous to people’s health state and general well-being. Even such
natural disasters as floods, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, storms, and tsunamis are considered to
be the aftermaths of the human factor. As such, the essay focuses on different man’s deteriorating
activities that have led to environmental pollution.

Pollution Essay Body

The main part of the essay is the body paragraphs, in which you need to address a specific aspect
regarding the problem. In other words, just make sure that each body paragraph is united by a single
idea. Also check on whether it is properly developed, whether there are logical transitions, whether
the body paragraph begins with a topic sentence and ends with a closing sentence. It is also
important to provide sufficient supporting evidence (i.e. examples, illustrations, statistics, and other
numerical data) to support your claims and opinions.

Pollution Essay Conclusion

An environmental pollution essay conclusion restates the main ideas conveyed in the paper. It
also reiterates the thesis statement and sums up the major points that are worth readers’ attention

Example of a conclusive paragraph

In conclusion, man is fairly regarded as the major pollutant of the surroundings. People’s activities
regarding the environment are frequently devastating. In particular, people devastate natural
resources, damp huge amounts of garbage, and increase harmful industrial activities. Resultantly, it
leads to air, soil, and water pollution as well as to the destruction of marine life and disruption
of the ecosystem. Fortunately, some people have realized the detrimental effect they are posing to
the planet and started to take measures aimed at curbing the persisting problem.

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