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How To Write A Dissertation Introduction

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An introduction written as the first part of the capstone project, master’s thesis, or doctorate paper should represent a complete argument of an empirical type as it serves as a powerful engine to drive the entire paper. Thus, it is essential to fill it with valid proof and make it not creative but informative and convincing.

NB: it is important not to start dissertation writing with chapter 1. Instead, you should complete chapter 3 and even start your research presented in chapter 3, and only then get back to the very beginning.


If you order affordable dissertation introduction writing from a reliable dissertation agency, they will ensure that the beginning of your paper is strong. The first chapter should be placed after the table of contents and set a clear purpose, focus, and direction for the whole research.

Structure of a Dissertation Introduction

What should be included in an introduction to a final paper for a doctorate?

  1. Context and topic. Which knowledge do the readers need to gain insight into the paper?
  2. Scope and focus. Which topic will aspects be addressed?
  3. Value and relevance. Does this current research match the existing research in this specific field?
  4. Objectives and questions. What is the objective of a researcher? What does he need to find out?
  5. Structure overview. How will the dissertation chapters contribute to the overall dissertation aim?


Elements of the Dissertation Introduction

First of all, an introduction to your Ph.D. dissertation is not the first thing you should write, although technically, it is placed at the very beginning of the paper. It is even recommendable to write it together with an abstract when all the other parts are completed. Another option is to prepare a rough draft of the introductory part a bit earlier or even use a research proposal to work on it as a template. Still, the introduction will not stay the same throughout the writing process, and you will have to revise it several times, amending correspondingly.

An introduction will be effective if it includes the following elements.

Context and topic

It would help if you started with a presentation of the chosen topic and provided the background details needed for your dissertation. The research should be given in a context that will generate the readers’ interest and facilitate their understanding of the problem. Besides, you should demonstrate why the topic you have raised is important and timely. For instance, you can refer to some academic debate, a news item, or a practical problem that demands a solution.

Scope and focus

After you have presented your general area of interest in your brief introductory paragraph, you should go further to define the research scope and narrow focus. For instance, you can ask the following questions:

  • Which geographical area and period does your investigation cover?
  • Which communities and demographics do your research deal with?
  • Which topic aspects does the dissertation address?
Value and relevance

The readers should know your motivation for this research and how this research is related to the available research in the field. Besides, it would help if you mentioned the insights that this research will contribute to general research. Provide a concise overview of the state of research at the current stage and indicate whether your research can fill the mentioned gaps in this current research. A profound study of the existing studies will be done in the literature review section; so, there is no need to give a detailed background here.

Besides, our affordable dissertation introduction writing services will make sure that the following aspects are stated and explained in the paper:

  • its role in solving a theoretical or practical problem or issue
  • its role in addressing a gap in the available research literature
  • being built on the research already conducted previously
  • suggestions related to a new insight this paper brings
Objectives and questions

This is one of the most crucial aspects of the introduction as the readers get to know what expectations about the remaining part of the dissertation they should have. The discipline of your study, as well as your chosen focus and topic, will determine how you will formulate the objectives and questions of your research. Overall, the key research aim should always be stated very clearly.

It is possible to touch upon the methods of research that you will use to give the answers to the asked questions. Still, this part should not be detailed as all the information will be mentioned in a separate chapter of methodology. You can also present your hypothesis here, provided that the thesis is aimed at testing one. Besides, you can add here a conceptual framework that determines the relations between the research variables. It is not a problem if you do not mention a hypothesis, as presented after the literature review in the dissertation.

Structure overview

You will be able to guide the readers through the paper you have prepared with the completed review of the dissertation structure that includes the summary of all chapters and an explanation of how each of the chapters contributes to achieving the set research aim. This overview should not be lengthy; actually, two sentences will be sufficient for a brief presentation of the paper structure and the content of every chapter. In more complex research or one without a typical structure, it is possible to extend such explanations up to a paragraph each. A dissertation on humanities, for instance, can develop arguments according to a thematic principle instead of a conventional division of the paper into a section on methods, a section on results, and a section on the discussion.

Nevertheless, all the elements of a dissertation should always fit together.

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Writing Tips to Make the Introduction Brilliant

  1. Start with introducing the area of the general topic of your research.
  2. Make the section representing a general statement concise and clear as it is important to present the study background.
  3. Abbreviations should be used only after they have been introduced.
  4. The problem can be confirmed only with the help of evidence.
  5. Citing, do not forget that the citations should include et al. if there are more than six authors.
  6. Every issue should be addressed only with relevant explanations.
  7. Brackets should be used to include an abbreviation in the framework of a parenthetical citation.
  8. Only past tense should be used in paraphrasing the author and quoting references.
  9. You should specify the available gap in the existing literature and how your study will add to it.
  10. The problem should be identified and then presented clearly.
  11. Multiple sources should be cited with the help of a semicolon. They should be presented in alphabetical order afterward.
  12. The readers should know which audience can benefit from the results of your research.
  13. Research implications should be clear.
  14. Your study should be placed in a specific theoretical field.
  15. One of the statements should lead the readers to the following chapter.
  16. Relevant current and historical research should be presented in brief.
  17. Your research questions should be in line with the methodology you have chosen.
  18. Listing the research questions is not enough. Instead, you are supposed to ensure their link to the statement of purpose.
  19. The percentage of direct quotes should be as low as possible.
  20. Design and methodology should be discussed in brief.
  21. Citations should accompany all definitions.
  22. There should be no verified facts included.
  23. Professional dissertation writers always mention the set boundaries and delimitations.
  24. Give a discussion of the possible weaknesses of the study.
  25. Give a discussion of findings in their generalizability.
  26. Present key study points in a summary.

Mind that there should be a lot of transitional sentences and phrases to let the sections be connected. Besides, the subheadings will also be helpful as the readers will follow the flow of ideas with a better understanding. You can order dissertation writing and dissertation editing services to make sure that the overall structure and all elements of your paper are consistent.

The arrangement of elements in different universities is done differently, but still, they have the same subject matter of an empirical opening statement.

We want to remind you that our company delivers affordable dissertation introduction writing services that will make it possible for your readers to know about the specific dissertation subject in the most effective manner. We will present both the general area of research interest and the study to be accomplished in its value and significance. We will also make sure that the problem background is given professionally as it is of crucial importance for the high quality of your dissertation. Besides, we will give the problem statement to present the knowledge gap and analyze how it can be addressed with your efforts to define the study needs and specific problems raised. We are also good at formulating the study purpose and identifying the research design with all the variables. You will also need to evaluate the significance of your research, and we will gladly state how your paper can contribute to the improvement of the overall situation and address the knowledge gap at the current stage. We will also address the primary research questions for you and specify the hypothesis if needed. Overall, we will assist you with any aspects of dissertation writing you need, and you will benefit from our quality writing.


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