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How to Structurize Your Interview Paper

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Organizing the findings and insights from your interviews into a coherent and compelling narrative is a crucial step in creating a successful interview paper. In this chapter, we will explore the essential components of structuring your paper, from the introduction that sets the stage to the conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Interview Introduction

The introduction is the pivotal starting point for your interview paper, serving as the reader's guide to the journey that lies ahead:

  1. Research Context: Begin by situating your research within a broader context, explaining why the topic you're exploring is relevant, significant, or timely. Provide the necessary background information to give readers a clear understanding of the subject matter. This context primes readers for the insights they are about to encounter.
  2. Research Question: Articulate your central research question or the primary issue you intend to address through the insights gained from your interviews. This question serves as the driving force behind your research or storytelling and sets the stage for the exploration that follows.
  3. Objectives: Clearly outline the specific objectives you aimed to accomplish through your interviews. What were you seeking to uncover, understand, or convey to your audience? These objectives provide a roadmap for both your research process and your readers.
  4. Rationale: Offer an explanation for why you chose interviews as the preferred method to address your research question or storytelling goals. What unique insights do interviews provide that other methods may not? This rationale reinforces the validity and suitability of your chosen approach.
  5. Structure: Provide a concise overview of how your paper is organized, previewing the main sections that readers can anticipate encountering. This brief roadmap gives readers a sense of the paper's structure, helping them navigate through your work more effectively.


The methodology section is a critical component that elucidates the process you followed in conducting your interviews:

  • Types of Interviews: Clearly specify the types of interviews you conducted, whether they were structured, semi-structured, unstructured, or a combination thereof. Explain the rationale behind your choice, addressing how this interview format aligned with your research or storytelling objectives.
  • Sampling: Describe your participant selection process, elucidating why the chosen individuals were deemed representative or relevant to your research or narrative. Discuss any criteria or considerations that guided your sampling, underscoring the validity of your participant choices.
  • Data Collection: Provide a comprehensive account of your data collection process, detailing the techniques or tools used to gather information from your participants. Highlight any measures taken to ensure ethical considerations, such as informed consent and privacy protection. This transparency reassures readers about the ethical integrity of your research.
  • Data Analysis: Briefly touch on your chosen data analysis approach. Mention whether you employed methods like coding, thematic analysis, or other relevant techniques to derive meaning from your interview data. While not delving into the specifics, this overview gives readers insight into the analytical framework that underpins your findings.

Incorporating these elements effectively into your interview paper's introduction and methodology section not only provides readers with the necessary context and understanding but also establishes the foundation for the coherent and compelling narrative that will unfold in the subsequent sections of your paper.


The findings section is the heart of your interview paper, where the fruits of your research labor are presented to the reader:

  1. Themes and Categories: Imposing order and structure upon your interview data is a fundamental step. Organize your findings into coherent themes or categories that naturally emerged during your rigorous analysis. These themes serve as the guiding framework for understanding and discussing the insights gained from the interviews. Use clear and informative headings and subheadings to delineate each theme, ensuring that your reader can easily navigate your findings.
  2. Quotes and Examples: To lend weight and authenticity to your findings, incorporate pertinent quotations and examples from the interviews. These excerpts should not merely decorate your paper but should be carefully chosen to vividly illustrate the points you are making within each theme. The selected quotes and examples should resonate with the reader, bringing the voices of your participants to life and solidifying the significance of your findings.
  3. Visual Aids: Consider leveraging the power of visual aids to augment the presentation of your findings. Well-constructed charts, graphs, or diagrams can distill complex information into a more accessible format, making it easier for your readers to grasp the essence of your research. Visual aids can also provide a visual narrative that complements the textual discussion of your findings, enhancing their impact.


The discussion section is your opportunity to breathe life into your findings, providing context, insight, and depth:

  1. Interpretation: In this critical phase, delve into the interpretation of your findings. Analyze the implications and significance of what you've uncovered through your interviews. What do these findings reveal about your research question or the narrative you are crafting? Seek to uncover the underlying meaning behind the data, offering readers a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  2. Comparison: Elevate your discussion by comparing your findings to existing literature or relevant studies. Highlight similarities, differences, or areas where your research contributes new insights. This comparative analysis anchors your findings within the broader scholarly or journalistic context, demonstrating your awareness of the existing body of knowledge and your paper's contribution to it.
  3. Limitations: Candidly acknowledge any limitations inherent in your study. These could encompass factors such as sample size, potential biases, or sources of error. This transparency demonstrates your commitment to rigorous research and lends credibility to your work. It also invites readers to consider the potential impact of these limitations on your findings.
  4. Future Research: Conclude the discussion section by suggesting avenues for future research. Based on the gaps or questions that emerge from your findings, provide insights into where the field could progress next. Identifying areas ripe for exploration not only underscores the significance of your work but also extends the conversation, inviting others to build upon your research.


The conclusion serves as the final act of your interview paper, encapsulating the essence of your research and leaving a lasting impression on the reader:

  1. Summary: Summarize the key findings and insights that have emerged from your interviews. This recapitulation should distill the essence of your paper, providing a concise overview of what has been uncovered.
  2. Answering the Research Question: Revisit your initial research question and provide a clear, well-supported answer based on the evidence you've presented in the findings and discussion sections. This crystallization of your research question demonstrates the alignment between your objectives and your outcomes.
  3. Significance: Emphasize the broader significance of your research or storytelling within the larger context. What contributions does your work make to the field or to society at large? Highlight the real-world implications and applications of your findings, reinforcing their relevance.
  4. Final Thoughts: Conclude your interview paper with some reflective, final thoughts that resonate with the reader. These thoughts need not introduce new content but can offer a poignant insight, a call to action, or a contemplative perspective that leaves the reader with something meaningful to ponder.

By meticulously crafting these sections of your interview paper, you transform a collection of interviews into a compelling and cohesive narrative that informs, engages, and inspires your readers.


In the references section, you compile a comprehensive list of all the sources you have cited in your interview paper. It is crucial to adhere to the appropriate citation style, whether it's APA, MLA, Chicago, or any other specified by your institution or publication. This section provides readers with the means to locate and verify the sources you've drawn upon, reinforcing the credibility and academic rigor of your work.

Appendices (if necessary)

Supplementary materials can play a pivotal role in providing readers with a deeper understanding of your research process. If you have items such as interview guides, informed consent forms, additional data, or any other relevant documents, consider including them in the appendices. Appendices ensure transparency by offering readers access to the tools and materials that underpinned your research, enabling them to evaluate the validity and rigor of your methods.

Formatting and Style

A polished appearance enhances the professionalism and readability of your interview paper. Adhere meticulously to the formatting and style guidelines specified by your institution or publication. Pay attention to details such as font size, line spacing, margins, and citation style. Consistency in these elements is essential to create a visually cohesive document that conveys your research or storytelling with clarity and precision.

Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading and editing are the final, critical steps in preparing your interview paper for publication or submission. Scrutinize your paper for clarity, grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors. Ensure that your writing flows smoothly and that your ideas are expressed with precision. Consider enlisting the help of peers, mentors, or professional editors who can provide valuable feedback to enhance the overall quality of your writing.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical standards must be upheld throughout your interview paper. This commitment entails safeguarding the privacy and anonymity of your participants, ensuring that you have properly cited all sources, and being transparent about any potential conflicts of interest. Ethical research practices not only demonstrate your dedication to responsible scholarship but also foster trust and respect within the academic and journalistic communities.

Review and Revision

Reviewing and revising your interview paper is an iterative process that is essential for refining your work to its highest potential. Approach your paper with a critical eye, examining each section for clarity, coherence, and relevance. Be prepared to revise portions that require improvement, whether it's strengthening arguments, clarifying language, or enhancing the organization of your content. Effective revision is the key to producing a final interview paper that resonates with readers and contributes meaningfully to your chosen field of study or storytelling endeavor.

By adhering to these guidelines and giving careful attention to each aspect of your interview paper, you not only produce a document that is academically or journalistically rigorous but also one that effectively communicates your research findings or narrative to your intended audience.

We also have a lot of other great guidance on interview writing for students:

  1. What is an Interview Paper
  2. Types of Interviews in Research
  3. Challenges and Pitfalls in Interview Papers Writing
  4. Impact of Interview Papers
  5. Conducting the Interview
  6. Preparing for an Interview Paper
  7. How to Cite Interviews in Research
  8. Data Collection and Analysis for Interview
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