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Good Research Essay Topics

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Research Paper Topics Ideas

Perhaps the most complicated part of writing a compelling research essay is picking up the fascinating writing idea. As the famous proverb says: Well begun is half done! Our article contains the 99 good research paper topics that may help you with your research paper writing. For your convenience, the good research essay topics are grouped into certain categories. For example, topics on education, crime, environment, technologies, etc.



Education Research Paper Topics

  1. The controversy of placing children by age or placing by academic ability at public and charter schools.
  2. The current stage and managing of the US students’ debt and the examples of the different universities dealing with the issue.
  3. The history and practice of using teaching competence testing.
  4. The problem of school violence: who is responsible for numerous facts?
  5. A custom of the “gap year” in the British educational system – advantages and disadvantages.
  6. The attitude towards and practice of homeschooling.
  7. Integration of innovative technologies and methods in the educational process.
  8. The importance of parent and student volunteering.
  9. Plagiarism is academic dishonesty: reasons and effects.
  10. The most impressive educational systems in the world.

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Environmental Research Paper Topics

  1. US Carbon Tax, its purpose, and effects.
  2. The analysis of the Eco-certification program in agriculture.
  3. Are the governmental efforts in ecosystems management and services efficient?
  4. The known and unknown environmental risks of shell gas development.
  5. The analysis of renewable and clean energy initiatives.
  6. The current trends in the environmental education of the society.
  7. The hugest natural disasters of the 21st century: reasons and consequences.
  8. The harm of oil spills.
  9. Outer space is a unique environmental resource.

Economics Research Essay Topics

  1. The top reasons for the stock market crash in 2008.
  2. The similarity and differences in the US and Chinese economies.
  3. What were the effects of the invention of the railroad and trains on the American economy?
  4. The most effective programs and measures in overcoming poverty.
  5. The workable solutions with immigration issues on the example of the USA: rights, policies, and laws for immigrants.
  6. Is the tax cut a powerful measure in business stimulation?
  7. Is the financial support of the foreign states fair to the domestic taxpayers?
  8. The main changes in international economic power distribution.
  9. Living in debt: where is the logical end?
  10. The efficient regulations of the online trade.  

Crime, Legal issues, and Law Research Topics

  1. Is there a known story of when the person successfully escaped from Alcatraz?
  2. The mysterious facts in the death of Usama Bin Laden and its political implications
  3. The price of the war on drugs for the average American taxpayer: does the end justify means?
  4. The comparison of American prisons to other nations: numbers, conditions and the life inclusion after the prison.
  5. The truth about the polygraph: is it the right instrument in criminology?
  6. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln: facts and implications.
  7. The reasons and causes of adopting the Patriot Act.
  8.  Are the available programs for the veterans efficient or the obstacles of leading the normal life in a peaceful society after getting back from the war?
  9. The intensification of security measures in the USA after 11/2011.
  10. Current manifestations of discrimination at work, public institutions, and education.

Research Paper Topics on Technology

  1. The most useful advancements in genetic engineering.
  2. How does texting affect the literacy of different age categories?
  3. The most innovative methods of information storage.
  4. The innovations in surgery – the life-changing developments.
  5. The effects of technology advancements in reproduction (sperm donors, in vitro) on the family possibilities.
  6. The most significant technology that helps to solve the global problems.
  7. The moral aspects of genetic engineering.
  8. The top advancements in the travel industry.
  9. The compensation for being an egg or sperm donor – the way to help or the way to earn money?
  10.  The ban on human cloning. Is human cloning an advancement or degradation?

Health and Medical Research Paper Topics

  1. The comprehensive training program for reaching life-long health benefits.
  2. The risks associated with artificial tanning.
  3. The effective methods in cancer treatment: the lack of the solution, or the endless premium of pharmacology?
  4. Who is responsible for obesity – fast food domination or personal responsibility?
  5. Extraordinary treatment of detrimental diseases – workable solution or desperate decision?
  6. Should vaccination be mandatory for all children?
  7. Third world health problems and their effect on the developed countries.

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Research Essay Topics about Internet

  1. What benefits give the Internet to humanity?
  2. Are modern children smarter due to unlimited access to the Internet?
  3. The interesting facts about the work of the search engines.
  4. The effect of the Internet on the filmmaking industry.
  5. The benefits the Internet technology to the international educational system.
  6. Did the world become flat due to the Internet formation?
  7. Are people more socialized through the Internet space, or are they less personal?

Animals Research Topics

  1. The justification for animal testing.
  2. The ethical treatment of animals.
  3. The use of animals for entertainment and fun.
  4. The most prominent organizations that promote animal care.
  5. Business interests of entrepreneurs and animal protection.
  6. The legal and moral matter of the slaughterhouses.
  7. Animal testing for vaccination – do the benefits outweigh the losses?

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Censorship Topics

  1. Is it possible to set governmental control over the web content?
  2. The example of Internet censorship in China.
  3. Are the public media subject to censorship?
  4. The history of US censorship: from the beginning till today.
  5. Are parents responsible for the content available for their children?

History Research Paper Topics

  1. Women’s suffrage movement in the US.
  2. The Manhattan Project: sad consequences and technological value.
  3. The emergence of the Catholic Church as a political force.
  4. The practice of kingship: Western and Eastern approach.
  5. The effect of the industrial revolution on the transformation of England in the 19th century.
  6. The Cold War of the 20th century: where is the end?
  7. The most influential historical figures of the 20th century.

Politics Research Topics

  1. Where is the limit of personal privacy when you are a political figure?
  2. The most expensive presidential campaigns in US history.
  3. The value and cost of political debates.
  4. The influence of politics on international trade.
  5. The examples of states where the church is not separated.
  6. The influence of religion on foreign politics of states.
  7. The top causes of the civil wars.
  8. International efforts in environmental politics.
  9. The history of political thought: useful lessons for the current political movements.

These are the 99 most interesting ideas for your research paper writing! Choose any topic from the list depending on your preferences, knowledge, and sphere of interests, and halfway to success is guaranteed!

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